NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
100th birthday of the Hudson Clock Tower
On the 16th of September the Hudson Heritage Association will celebrate the 100th birthday of the Hudson Clock Tower.
A video tour of the clock tower and its history featuring Tom Vince and Katie Hoy, from Hudson Cable Television
Hudson Clock Tower gets a bow.
A letter of thanks from the President of Hudson Heritage Association – Published in the Hudson Hub-Times Sept 23, 2012
“Hudson Heritage Association would like to thank everyone who attended the 100th birthday celebration of the Hudson Clock Tower that took place on the Green Sept. 16th to mark the centennial anniversary of the Clock Tower. We’re especially grateful to the many volunteers who baked and served pies and cakes for the event, to those who helped with the set up, to our planning committee headed by Katie Coulton, and to the city of Hudson, which gave us access to the green and opened up the tower itself for the afternoon.
We know a number of individuals were disappointed not to be able to tour the clock tower during the event. Demand far outstripped our ability to safely usher people through the narrow space during the few hours of our event and we appreciate everyone’s understanding.
However, with so much interest generated, the city of Hudson has graciously agreed to work with us to set another time when the tower will be opened again for tours. We are in the process of finalizing those details. Once they are available, we will share them with the Hudson Hub.Times and also will post them on our website, .
Thank you again, Hudson, for your support.”
Kelly Berger, President
Hudson Heritage Association
The turnout was wonderful, well beyond our expectations. And the weather cooperated as well, giving us one of the most beautiful days of the year.
Bill Breedon was kind enough to provide Hudson Heritage with many of his wonderful photos of the event.
Many thanks to all the volunteers
And the Hudson Hub.Times and the Akron Beacon Journal covered the event and posted many more photos. We have provided the links to both below. Our many thanks for their coverage of the event.