NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Hurn-Doncaster House

In the mid-1850s, two distinct architectural styles were being used in Hudson: Greek Revival, reminiscent of the past, and Gothic Revival, the wave of the future.
This Gothic Revival was built in the speculative period of the railroad boom and was one of several built by David Hurn as investment properties. The center part of the east wing and the front of the west wing are the original house; there are many later additions. The floors are poplar throughout; many old, hand tooled doors have been preserved.
David Hurn, with his family, the Doncasters and the Markillies, came to this country from England in 1833. An interesting account of their voyage can be found in the journal of Lucy Hurn Markillie at the Hudson Library and Historical Society. David Hurn was the proprietor of a carriage factory; fellow passenger James Doncaster became an undertaker, with an establishment on North Main Street directly opposite Owen Brown Street.