NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
George Kilbourn House

The rear addition of this house may be even earlier than 1840, added to the main core at a later date. The main house has been extended westward and has lost its original center chimney. The original owner was George Kilbourn, a tanner, who came to Hudson in 1800, bringing with him according to his own account, a library of 100 volumes, “treating mainly on the subjects of morality and religion.” In 1869, the tax records indicate that the house was moved 100 feet back from the corner lot, and this is confirmed by the 1871 Atlas. In 1871, owner Thomas Crisp, a builder and contractor, refurbished the house and moved it back to the corner lot. The bay windows probably date from this time. Notice the resemblance to the Crips-Raymond House, also restored by Thomas Crisp, directly across Aurora Street. The original barn on the property was moved to the lot next door, facing Oviatt Street, and converted to a residence.