NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Julia Sides Drake House

Samuel Bedient built the house along with several others in an era when relatively cheap land was available to build stand-alone homes. Inexpensive pre-cut lumber along with premanufactured windows and doors accelerated the building process. The Queen Anne Style is reflected with a steep pitched roof over a rectangular plan; front faced gables reminiscent of a Greek Temple; asymmetrical facade placement of windows and doors; porch on one or two sides; and textured roof shingles. The rear portion of the house was expanded in 1950, with a garage and sidewalk to the garage.
The house was a rental until owner Harriett Poppleton sold to Mabel and William Fox in 1921. William was a baggage master for the railroad and served on Village Council for many years. It was sold to Ralph and Bertha Bonsteel in 1931, and Bertha lived there until her death at 99. Bertha was a member of the Hudson Garden Club, and her home was on the Home and Garden Tour several times. In 1990 Julia Sides Drake purchased the house.