NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Captain Lewis Clark House

The house is a framed, two-story, side-gabled farmhouse with added rear wing and front porch. It was fashionable to have this style of porch after the Civil War. At one time, there were paired interior chimneys but only one exists now. The original roof of the house was raised and returns were added. The threshold and front door are original. The main entrance was moved to the west side of the house and that entry door with fanlights, sidelights and arched lintel is an addition.
Captain Lewis Clark served in the War of 1812, moving to Hudson in 1823 from Connecticut. Lewis’s half-brother, John (Thirty Acres) also moved to Hudson. Lewis and his wife, Trial, had no children. After 60 years of marriage, their estate was left to Lewis Clark Davis. Lewis and his wife also had considerable land in Twinsburg.