NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Ransom M. Sanford Farmhouse

The property, originally owned by Heman Oviatt and later deeded to Western Reserve College, was parceled and turned into cash for the payment of claims against the college. Ransom bought the property from George E. Pierce in 1859.
The white clapboard farmhouse is typical Greek Revival with heavy cornices and fanlight, and an entryway with a shelf entablature. It was built around an earlier 1852 house forming its middle section (now the dining room), which has no basement. Three windows in the living room are originals with pedimented architraves. The old, gabled roof barn at the rear of the house has board and batten siding.
Ransom was born in Hudson in 1830, to Hudson pioneer Garry Sanford. He was a carpenter/joiner who built or repaired many Hudson homes and buildings throughout the township, including the Seymour Straight cheese factories.