NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Marcus E. Ellsworth House

This is the second house built on the Elisha Ellsworth Homestead, having been deeded to son Marcus in 1849. It was once a tavern on the old Cleveland-Pittsburgh stagecoach route. This is confirmed by the three entrances which faced the road, perhaps a tavern door for men, a center door for the inn and a third door for women. The house site, which is close to the road for stage access, has many small rooms. Two doors remain under an integrated front porch with a pent overhang supported by four square columns. There are four frieze windows on the front facade, plus a Victorian planking addition. The yard has an old cistern and many sandstone blocks used for carriage mounts and doorsteps. This home was on the 1978 Hudson Home and Garden Tour.
Marcus, uncle of James Ellsworth, was deeded the farm shortly after his 21st birthday. His father, who remained on the homestead, had been in the customs service and lost both his legs in pursuit of smugglers over frozen Lake Erie.