NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
HHA Shares Historic Perspective on Gardening at February Meeting
Hudson Heritage Association will provide a first glimpse of spring on February 9 when the group hosts Cynthia Druckenbrod, Vice President of Horticulture for the Cleveland Botanical Garden. Ms. Druckenbrod will discuss historical highlights of gardening in the Western Reserve, focusing on the historical roots of landscape plant materials and their use in garden design. She also will discuss the evolution of the Lake County nursery industry, considered a prime source for garden materials by horticulturalists throughout the region.
Ms. Druckenbrod joined the Cleveland Botanical Garden in 2000 as the Eleanor Armstrong Smith Glasshouse manager, responsible for operations of the Glasshouse and maintenance and of CBG’s plant and animal collections. As vice president, she now also oversees 10 acres of outdoor gardens at the CBG. Before joining Cleveland Botanical Garden, Ms. Druckenbrod served as the director of the Day Butterfly Center at Callaway Gardens in Atlanta. Prior to working at Callaway Gardens, she was an entomologist at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and managed the daily operations of its tropical butterfly garden.
Ms. Druckenbrod has a bachelor’s degree in biology from Case Western Reserve University and a master of science in entomology from Auburn University. She has authored numerous peer-reviewed papers in the fields of entomology and horticulture and frequently speaks at professional conferences.
The February 9 meeting is free and open to the public. It will be held at Barlow Community Center and begins at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served following Ms. Druckenbrod’s presentation.