NEXT MEETING: Thurs, Feb 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Christopher Gillcrist, on the History of Piracy on the Great Lakes.
George Darrow House
George Darrow built a frame house in 1825 for his wife, Olive, and eight children. It is one of the most intact old houses in Hudson with 1836 features dating from when the home was converted into an inn. In 1838, an addition covered most of the original house making it a hotel for travelers and teamsters. The roof has a Greek Revival pitch, and the original, six-panel front door is off center. The windows, enhanced by drip caps, are not in vertical alignment. The front of the house features a fan-shaped window in the attic and the original fieldstone foundation can be seen in the basement.
Surveyors and brothers George and Joseph Darrow, joined David Hudson in 1800. They
purchased property 2 miles south of Hudson’s center, which they named Darrowville, and the road between the settlements became Darrow Road. George served as a colonel in the War of 1812 and was hence referred to as Colonel Darrow. At his death in 1859, George’s son William and his wife, Harriet, moved into the house with their eight children. Daughter Mary Morris lived in the home until it went to Hattie Wheeler, granddaughter of George Darrow. The Wheelers operated a farm market and greenhouse on the property until their retirement. The property remains in the Darrow/Wheeler/Caniglia Family.