NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
HHA Historic Marker Program Topic of October Meeting
Individuals interested in obtaining a marker from Hudson Heritage Association recognizing the architectural and historic significance of their home are invited to attend the Association’s general meeting on Thursday, October 13, when a panel will provide details and helpful guidance related to the program. The meeting, which begins at 7:30 p.m., will be held at Barlow Community Center.

Hudson Heritage Association member Ron Strobl attaches an HHA marker to a Hudson property recognized for its architectural and historic significance. Strobl volunteers to create, install and maintain the markers for the association.
The HHA marker program was established in 1973 as an outgrowth of the book, Hudson, An Architectural and Historical Study, authored by Hudson resident Rebecca Rogers. Inspired by the book, a committee of Hudson Heritage Association members developed a formal process to research and recognize historic structures located in Hudson and award them a marker, designed to be displayed prominently on the building facade. Each marker bears the Hudson Heritage Association logo, the name of the building (typically, the name of the individual who built the structure) and the year in which the structure was built. To date, more than 160 properties in Hudson have been awarded an HHA marker.
As part of the application process, the owner of the building must submit a detailed report describing the original date of construction, the date of any additions, significant interior and exterior architectural details, and biographical information about the individuals who lived or worked in the building. HHA can provide guidance on conducting the research and can direct owners to historical documents, tax records and other resource materials. More information on the marker program can be found at the HHA website,
The panelists at October’s meeting will provide more detail about the program and more information about conducting the research required to apply for a marker. A Hudson resident currently researching his property will talk about the process, the experience he and his wife have had investigating the history of their home and some of the surprising findings they have uncovered while delving into its past. Refreshments will be served following the panel discussion.