NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
HHA Hosts Local Archivist For Evening of Storytelling
Renowned local historian Gwen Mayer will be the featured speaker at the September 8 general meeting of Hudson Heritage Association when she presents a program entitled “Neighborly and Nefarious Deeds in Hudson’s History, 1850-1950.” The program promises to provide details of the scandals and crimes that took place in the then-sleepy village and township of Hudson, Ohio during its transformation from a rural, farming community to a growing suburban town. Mayer intends to add “good news” stories into the mix, and will provide some surprising details about Hudson’s past during 100 of its most colorful years.
Mayer is a familiar face to many in Hudson and has been a member of the staff at the Hudson Library & Historical Society for 25 years. She currently serves as the Library’s archivist, overseeing a collection of newspapers, maps, manuscripts, papers, genealogy materials and artifacts dating back to Hudson’s founding in 1799. It is the only such collection focused on Hudson and is dedicated to educating the community about the town’s rich history through outreach, research and events. The Historical Society also maintains one of the nation’s largest research collections on abolitionist John Brown and the Brown family.
The September 8 meeting will be held at Barlow Community Center and will begin at 7:30 p.m. with the presentation of an HHA marker to the owner of the home at 74 East Streetsboro Street, a property now known as the Clarkson-Wellman Home. Refreshments will be served following Ms. Mayer’s presentation.