NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
HHA partners with City of Hudson to sponsor the Heritage Home Program
New Cleveland Restoration Society Program offers technical assistance, financial aid to the owners of older homes in Hudson.
Hudson Heritage Association hosted Jessica Ugarte on Thursday, March 14th 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Barlow Community Center, S. Oviatt St. She shared information about the Heritage Home Program, sponsored by the Cleveland Restoration Society.
We have posted the video of this meeting for you to learn more about this program. Please click on the link directly below to view this video. A further description of the program is below the link.
For the past 20 years, the Heritage Home Program (HHP) has helped owners of older homes in NE Ohio preserve their properties in harmony with the goals of historic preservation. This year, Hudson Heritage and the City of Hudson have partnered with Cleveland Restoration Society to make the Heritage Program available to Hudson residents.
The program offers home owners free advise on the variety of maintenance and repair issues that are unique to older homes (at least 50 years). Which means if your house was built in 1963 or before you can take advantage of many aspects of this program.
According to HHP, the free technical assistance component of the program ensures that the homeowners will not have to guess as to what work the home needs or how it really should be done. The HHP construction manager or other preservation staff can answer specific questions on topics such as routine maintenance, energy efficiency, upgrading older systems, or even provide best-practice suggestions for repair or restoration of original features.
In addition to the free technical assistance, the HHP’s fixed-rate, low interest loan program offers qualified borrowers an additional incentive to invest in the long-term stability and enhancement of their property. Currently as low as 2%, the HHP loan can be used for almost any sort of home projects including roof repair, painting, kitchen updates and bath remodeling, HVAC systems, code compliance work and energy efficiency upgrades.
Notes Kelly Berger, President of Hudson Heritage Association, “The Heritage Home Program provides the owners of older homes in Hudson with technical know-how and financing, if needed, to make sure our older neighborhoods remain vibrant and vital parts of the community.” There are currently 33 communities in northeast Ohio participating in this wonderful program.
Jessica holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Science degrees in Historic Preservation.