NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
July News: An update on activities affecting our historic city . . .
1927 Building

As the 1927 Building’s majestic presence in our historic town comes to an end,Hudson Heritage Association was able to salvage key architectural components of the east facade prior to demolition commencing in mid-June. The careful and painstaking dismantling was performed by Coon Restoration and those items salvaged were transported to a safe storage location. The intent is to use the artifacts to create a Memorial Gateway to the school district’s main campus at a later date. The cost to salvage the pilasters, urns, balustrade, and entablature were funded by a generous HHA supporter. Design and location of the memorial structure are to be mutually agreed upon between the Hudson City School District Board of Education and Hudson Heritage Association. Plans will be submitted by mid-September. Once approved, fundraising will begin to pay for its construction.

Additionally, Hudson Heritage Association is working with Perspectus Architecture to document the 1927 Building and landscape. Once completed, the work will be submitted to the Library of Congress as part of the Historical American Buildings Survey (HABS). Photographs, blueprints, and the building and site’s history will be on file at the Library of Congress and can be used as a resource for architectural historians, restoration architects, preservationists, and scholars. Formed by the National Park Service, the Library of Congress, and the American Institute of Architects in 1933 as the nation’s first federal preservation program, the HABS program is significant because of the broad scope of its collection and its public accessibility, as well as the national standard it set for recording historic architecture. Only eight properties in Hudson currently hold this honor.
Brewster Store
Work has commenced on the Brewster Store and is being managed by JP Compass, a design and construction team from Chesterland, Ohio. After completion of a Historic Structure Report (HSR) that documented the building’s history, architecture, existing conditions and modifications over time, the building is undergoing a top-to-bottom rehabilitation. Electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems are being addressed, as well as structural reinforcement and brick restoration. Exterior architectural elements previously modified or removed – the balustrade and shutters – will be reinstated to their former appearance based on historical photos and drawings. The project should be completed in 2023 and will be used as new company headquarters for Hudson-based Miavana, LLC, a business that manages a family of companies with operations throughout the United States.

Park Lane Square Project
The Park Lane Square Project is in full swing. The former Merino wine store and brick office building on the site have been demolished. Careful removal of the unsympathetic additions to the Baldwin-Buss House will begin in August and will return the house to its original and historical footprint.
Visit for more information.

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Membership in Hudson Heritage Association shows your commitment to historic preservation and supports HHA’s mission to preserve the historic architecture and streetscape of Hudson. Membership revenue is HHA’s sole source of operating income. Please become a member of HHA or renew your membership today. Thanks to all who have already joined for the 2022/23 year!
Join on-line or mail a check to:
Hudson Heritage Association
P.O. Box 2218
Hudson, OH 44236
Select from the following membership levels:
• $500 – David Hudson
• $250 – Preservationist
• $100 – Historian
• $100 – Business
• $55 – Couple/Family
• $35 – Individual
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
There’s no time like the present to protect the past!