NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Links & Resources
If you’re interested in preservation and in Northeast Ohio’s history, the following organizations can be great resources for you:
City of Hudson
Architectural and Historic Board of Review (AHBR)
Reviews and approves/disapproves applications for zoning certificates other than for industrial buildings in industrial zones. The AHBR also issues certificates of appropriateness to construct, alter, remove or demolish structures, buildings or landmarks within any historic district. The AHBR maintains the high character of the community and protects public health, safety, and welfare. It reviews projects against the Architectural Design Standards.
Architectural Design Standards
Map of Hudson Ohio Historic District
Value of a Historic District Brochure
Comprehensive Plan
The City’s Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document, directed by residents and local stakeholders, that guides the community’s vision for the future. The Plan details a long-term vision and policy agenda for important issues in land use, housing, parks, infrastructure, transportation, and more. The Hudson City Charter requires a review and update of the Comprehensive Plan at least once every 10 years.
1978 Continuing Comprehensive Plan
Cleveland Restoration Society
The largest non-governmental regional historic preservation organization in Ohio and a member of the National Preservation Partners Network.
Heritage Home Program
Offers a range of services that help you repair, maintain & preserve the historic features of your home and increase its value, while updating interior features and installing energy efficient systems.
Hudson Community TV (HCTV)
History of Hudson
Online videos documenting the history of Hudson.
HHA Program Video Archive
Online HHA Program video archive.
Hudson Heritage Association Publications
HHA Program Video Archive
View HHA programs and speakers online.
Homeowners’ Guide to Historic Properties
Informed by best practices and written in collaboration with the City of Hudson, this guide is a useful resource for owners of historic and for years to come.
Hudson Underground Railroad Quest
Square Dealers
A short history of nineteenth century Main Street and the commercial buildings on the public square in Hudson, Ohio.
Tour 1: Main Street and Its Nearby Neighbors
Tour 2: East Main and Aurora Streets
Tour 3: Historic Village Neighborhood
Tour 4: Western Reserve Academy and Its Neighbors
Hudson Library & Historical Society
The Hudson Library & Historical Society maintains a vast collection of genealogy materials including a large genealogical print collection, subscription databases for state-of-the-art family history research and more.
HHA Reference Materials / Bibliography Listing (PDF)
Historic House Research
Retains a wide variety of materials to assist you in learning more about the history of your home.
Local History
Resource guides to selected notable individuals, places, events and collections that have helped to shape and define Hudson. Many of the papers and records are owned by HLHS.
Research and Collections
Resource guides to selected notable individuals, places, events and collections that have helped to shape and define Hudson.
Hudson National Register Nominations
73001542 Hudson Business District
75001539 Western Reserve Academy
77001088 John Brown Farm House, 1842 Hines Hill Road
87000629 Ward House, 1410 Hines Hill Road
89001449 Orin Porter House, 240 College Street
89001450 Grace Goulder Izant House, 250 College Street
89001451 John William Creswell Corbusier House, 226 College Street
89001452 Hudson Historic District + Boundary Increase
100003498 Case-Barlow Farm, 1931 Barlow Road
100007849 Hudson Historic District + Boundary Increase (Elm Street and Roslyn Avenue)
Hudson National Register Historic District Nominations – Compiled
Library of Congress
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)
Administered since 1933 through cooperative agreements with the National Park Service, the Library of Congress, and the private sector, ongoing programs of the National Park Service have recorded America’s built environment in multiformat surveys. This online presentation of the HABS/HAER/HALS collections includes digitized images of measured drawings, black-and-white photographs, color transparencies, photo captions, written history pages, and supplemental materials.
Baldwin House, former Hudson Library and Historical Society, 49 East Main St
Baldwin-Buss House, Main St and Streetsboro Road
Brewster Store / First National Bank of Hudson, Aurora and Main St
Western Reserve Academy, Bliss-Slaughter House, 79 Hudson St
Western Reserve Academy, Chapel
Western Reserve Academy, Loomis Observatory
Western Reserve Academy, North Hall
Western Reserve Academy, President’s House
Ohio Historic Preservation Office
The official historic preservation agency of the State of Ohio. It has existed since 1967 when it was designated to manage responsibilities delegated to the state by Congress in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Building Doctor
Teaches old-building owners how to recognize and solve some of the most common sources of problems in maintaining older buildings, and how to make informed decisions about repairs and improvements.
Certified Local Governments
Local partnerships preserving historic properties through legislation, surveys, planning and design review.
Federal and State Reviews
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of federally assisted undertakings on historic properties.
National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of properties recognized by the federal government as worthy of preservation for their local, state, or national significance in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or culture. A program of the National Park Service, it is administered at the state level by each respective state. In Ohio, the State Historic Preservation Office of the Ohio History Connection administers the National Register Program.
Survey & Inventory
Provides a permanent record of historic Ohio buildings and sites.
Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation
Tools for rehabbing historic buildings and fueling economic development through State and Federal tax incentives.
Ohio History Connection
American Indian Relations
Throughout the Division of American Indian Relations’s pages you will be able to find resources covering general information, research, education and more.
Archives & Library
Online research guides are available to services and popular research topics.
Classes and Workshops
Take a class or workshop and dive deeper into whatever interests you most!
Collections represent all of Ohio’s 88 counties and cover a vast array of topics, from the earliest Paleo Indians to Ohio’s contributions to space exploration.
Digital Resources
The Ohio History Connection offers a number of online access points to learn more about their collections
From field trips and virtual learning, to professional development and classroom resources, a wide range of on site and virtual educational programming for classrooms and families are offered.
Online Collections Catalog
An extensive collection of newspapers, photos, manuscripts, books, maps and government records available in our Research Room at the Ohio History Center in Columbus and through our online collections catalog.
Pick up or sign up for one of the publications and stay up to date on history events across the state and in-depth stories on our state’s past.
Local History Services
Working with history organizations across the state to help Ohioans connect with their own local history.
Digital Services
Connects you to collections through rights and reproduction, digitization and microfilming services.
Historic Site & Facilities Projects
State Historic Preservation Office
The official historic preservation agency of the State of Ohio.
Ohio Holocaust and Genocide Memorial Education Commission
Formed in 2021, the Commission’s is charged with gathering and disseminating Holocaust and Genocide information and helping promote awareness of these issues.
Summit County Historical Society
Founded in 1924, the mission of Summit County Historical Society is to preserve and interpret the history of Summit County and Akron, and to educate regional communities about the people and events that have shaped our rich history.
Summit Memory
An online, collaborative project capturing the history of Summit County, Ohio. Collections include historic photographs, documents, newspapers, artifacts and audiovisual resources contributed by partner organizations throughout the county.
United States Department of the Interior / National Park Service
Preservation Briefs
Provides information on preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings.
Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
Provides guidelines for preserving, rehabilitating, restoring and reconstructing historic buildings.
National Register of Historic Places
Part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America’s historic and archeological resources.
Western Reserve Historical Society
The Western Reserve Historical Society documents the history of Northeast Ohio. The collections of the WRHS include museum objects, published materials (rare books, maps, broadsides, etc.), manuscripts (personal papers, records, photographs, etc.), genealogical and family history (funeral home indexes, family bibles, family histories, etc.), and historical properties.