NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Maplewood Farm

Built in 1824, this is the fifth-oldest documented house in Hudson. The 1½-story middle section is at the rear of the house while the front was added in 1846. Wide eve boards are on both sides of the house, and wood peg construction is evident on the front outside cornerboards. Rebuilt twin chimneys are in their original locations. Large stones are the foundation for the oldest section and stone block and brick were used in the addition.
Built by Horace Metcalf, son-in-law of Hudson’s first physician, Dr. Moses Thompson, the farm remained in the family until 1928. It was bought by Dr. Fred Herrick, who leased it to different tenants. In 1933, Dr. Herrick divided most of the property for development and sold the house in 1950.