NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
Participate in Community Survey for 1927 Building
Hudson residents are invited to provide valuable input regarding the adaptive reuse of the 1927 Hudson High School Building.
Hudson Heritage Association (HHA) has hired Webb Management, experts in planning services for cultural arts facilities, to conduct a feasibility study to assess the viability and adaptive reuse of the historic 1927 Hudson High School Building (currently the “old” Hudson Middle School) on Oviatt Street as a community/cultural arts center.

Existing 600-seat auditorium/theater in the historic 1927 Hudson High School Building.
Part I of the feasibility study seeks the community’s input on the idea of transforming the 1927 Building into a community/cultural-arts center and how it can meet the needs and aspirations of our community. In recent weeks Webb Management Services has reached out to Hudson organizations, institutions, government leaders and others for their opinions and potential interest in becoming partners in this initiative. A market assessment/analysis is also being conducted. A community survey is the next step in Part I of the study, in which Hudson residents are invited to provide input for the future of the 1927 Building. Part I should be completed by mid-April.
In order to better understand the need for arts, community, and culture facilities in Hudson, HHA is requesting participation in this short online survey. This brief 5–10-minute survey will ask questions pertaining to current participation in arts, community, and culture programs, the existing facilities in the community and the type of programs desired in the future.
All survey responses will remain anonymous, and the information provided will not be shared with HHA or others in Hudson. The survey will close on Friday, April 9th at 11:59pm.
The survey can be accessed with this link:

Main entrance with Classical stone ornamentation: fluted double pilasters and foliate capitals, urns, and balustrade.