NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Peck-Trowbridge House

Noah Carter, who lived next door at 92 Streetsboro Street, was the builder of this house and Herman Peck, a builder and painter, was the first owner. The rear section is from 1844, and the basement contains a chimney of underbaked brick with sand lime mortar – probably the base of a cooking fireplace once used in the kitchen above. The sills are broad-axed and some joists still have tree bark. The 1887 remodel is the aspect most noticeable from Streetsboro Street. The front porch was removed (it has since been replaced) and the front entrance boarded up. The eave brackets, endboards and jigsaw trim were added at that time. There is some shiplap siding at the original porch area and the two-story bay on the east side.
The property was transferred to Zenas Trowbridge, a carpenter and joiner, in 1868, although he probably was already living in the house. The house remained in the Trowbridge family until 1958.