NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Brewster-Bunnell House

Due to the additions and remodeling, it is hard to find the original house buried in the new structure. Some visible parts of the original two-story home can be seen on the south and east facade.
Anson Brewster, a merchant, built the house and sold it a year later to F.W. Bunnell. Bunnell owned it until 1858 when Susan Santom, a property investor, and James Winborn, a plasterer, were listed on the deed. This happened quite often as a means of paying someone for their labors. Once the property was sold, those listed on the deed would receive their fair share of the sale, in lieu of wages. The house was leased to Sanford Barlow Ingersoll and his wife, Martha. An 1854 tax map indicates a sawmill located east of the house, and it is assumed the Ingersolls rented the house to be near the mill. There have been many subsequent owners, the most notorious being John Holmes in 1860, who was constantly in trouble and sued.