NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Elisha, Augustus & Charles Ellsworth House

This brick Greek Revival was first noted on the tax duplicate in 1842, in the name of Elisha Ellsworth, although the property had been deeded to his son Augustus the preceding year. The frame addition is thought to date from about the same time. Augustus lived in the house until 1875, when it was conveyed to his son, Charles Ellsworth, who was Hudson’s postmaster during the late 1800s.
The chimneys in the gable ends are corbelled toward the ridge, typical of brick houses of this period. There is an unusual brick frieze, six courses high, at the gable end and a three-course belt course at the water table. The wide soffit is nailed to the rafters rather than being boxed. The window lintels and door cornice are stone, and there are paneled reveals at the front door.