NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Giles Curtiss House

This house was moved from Northfield to Hudson in 1989. It was in the Giles/Honey family in Boston Township for over 100 years and then sold to Lester and Marjorie Walter in 1941. Walter sold the house to Leonard and Marjorie Griffin in 1960. Both the Walters and Griffins were beekeepers. Eventually, the house was abandoned and sold for commercial development to the Debartolo Energy Group and slated for demolition. Hudsonite John Tobin negotiated to have the house moved, but even though the house was in good shape, there was no lot available. Bees had infested the lath within the walls, making it a giant honeycomb. Subsequently, Gene and Kathy Wyatt bought the house and it was moved to its present location.
The Wyatts saved as much of the clapboard house and windows as they could, and duplicated as closely as possible what had been there originally. The hand-tooled sandstone was brought from the original site and used as foundation, steps and landscaping. The board and button barn was built to be in keeping with the time period.