NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
Harrison Danforth House

The Harrison Danforth house, an 1846 Greek Revival, was moved to this site in 1984 from 5074 Darrow Road and restored by Don Reisig. The house is front gabled, with a one-story side gabled wing, boxed cornice, frieze and returns. Victorian embellishments on the east side are not original and were probably done in the 1870s. It received the Summit County Historical Society 1984 Architectural Heritage Award.
Dr. Harrison Danforth was an early Hudson physician who studied under Dr. Israel Town. He is listed, unaccountably, as a farmer in the census records.
A barn with vertical siding and a cupola was left standing at the Darrow Road site for many months; it has now been reunited with its farmhouse and serves as a garage.