NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Hurn-Lighton House

David Hurn emigrated from England to Hudson in 1833, along with his mother, Lucy Hurn Markillie, his sister, Hannah Hurn Doncaster and his brother-in-law, James Doncaster. John Markillie, his mother’s second husband, had preceded them. John Markillie and David Hurn purchased 27 acres at this site in 1848, dividing it equally. David Hurn built this house on his portion in 1856. John Markillie donated his portion to the village for a cemetery, Markillie cemetery, which still exists. The first burial was that of John Markillie’s mother. The Hurn property, built as an investment, was purchased in 1878 by the Lighton (or Leighton) family, who owned it for the 51 years following. The attached garage with the large room above was added in 1974.