NEXT MEETING: Thurs, Feb 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Christopher Gillcrist, on the History of Piracy on the Great Lakes.
Jerry Minor Case House

Through oral history, HHA verified the house was originally built by Jerry Case on the eastern edge of his Streetsboro Road farm and moved to the Stow Road location in 1931 by Fred and Norma Cone. The roofline is L-shaped and very steep. The shingles are from the early 1900s. There are some Greek Revival influences like the architrave window frames, front door and narrow mutton windows in the upper story.
Jerry, the third son of Gideon Case, moved from Connecticut in 1815 when he was 8. At 18, he joined the Congregational Church of Hudson and later was made a deacon of the
Streetsboro Congregational Church. He bought 10 acres of uncleared land in his first year of marriage, “where he cleared a space and planted his own ‘vine and fig tree,’ under which he abode until about twenty years since.”