NEXT MEETING: Thurs, Feb 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Christopher Gillcrist, on the History of Piracy on the Great Lakes.
Schuyler Chamberlin House
This area of Hudson was an undeveloped 11-acre tract until 1867, when it was bought by Schuyler Chamberlin, divided into 30 lots fronting on Elm Street and named the Chamberlin Addition to the village of Hudson. Early sales were not brisk, and most of the lots were not built on until after 1910.
Chamberlin built this house in 1889 and owned it until 1907. The house is cross-gabled, with a dominant front gable. The shelf lintels on the front façade have elaborately carved drip molds, and there is a cutaway bay window on the west side.