NEXT MEETING: Thurs, March 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Gwendolyn Mayer on the history of maple sugar making in Hudson.
Seymour Hall

Western Reserve Academy’s Seymour Hall, built in 1913, is the largest, and only twentieth-century building in the Academy’s “Brick Row.” It was named for Nathan Perkins Seymour and his son Thomas Day Seymour, both classics professors at the school when it was Western Reserve College.
The building stands on the former site of Middle College and South College, and reflects their architectural style in the brick construction, small-paned windows, stepped gables and fanlights.
This building is part of James W. Ellsworth’s restoration program at the college campus. It was built to the design of J. W. C. Corbusier and the specifications of James W. Ellsworth. The cupola is thought to have come from the razed Middle College. None detracting from the original design.