NEXT MEETING: Thurs, Feb 13, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Christopher Gillcrist, on the History of Piracy on the Great Lakes.
Treat S. and Sarah Ford House
The house exterior is side-gabled with dropped wood siding, and the original front door has three bays with a central entrance. The gabled ends of the third story have triple Tablets of Moses windows with decorative lintels. Originally, the front porch wrapped around and joined a small porch on the west side of the house. The roof was slate until 1906 when it was shingled, and the foundation is tooled sandstone. There is an old barn (1909) at the rear with a gable roof and wide flat board siding.
The land was part of the Heman Oviatt 114-acre farm given to Western Reserve College in 1835 and later divided into lots by the college. Treat and his wife lived there only two years before selling to Edwin Treat. There were a number of Treat family members coming from Connecticut in the early 1800s. Other notable residents of the house were Enoch Clark; Charles Chittenden and his wife, Lydia Markillie Chittenden; and their daughter Ethel, who married Bruce Turner (Turner’s Mill family).