NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
Walter Wright House and Store

Vertical saw marks on the joists indicate a date of the 1830s. The exterior cornice moldings and some of the original window sills are indicative of the 1840s. The rear addition has drop siding and is likely from after the 1890s. The foundation is covered by poured concrete as are the foundations of two nearby buildings, probably done at the same time to cover the deteriorating foundations.
Tracing tax and deed records from 1846, this was originally built as one of four houses by Owen Brown. According to David Hudson Jr.’s journal, the house was completed on August 17, 1933, for Walter Wright and Co. Merchandise and Exchange.
Business records indicate ongoing financial losses, and by 1840, Walter Wright no longer appears on the census. However, in May of 1840, J.W. Selby is advertised in the Ohio Observer as proprietor of a cash and carry dry goods store at this location until. Eventually Brewster bought the property from Brown and operated the store until 1850, moving the merchandise to the already established Brewster Store. F.W. Brunnell bought the property in 1853 and rented it until it was bought by John Chapman in 1857 and later sold to the Oviatt Family in 1889, who owned it through 1910. The store has been a restaurant, an appliance store and an antiques store.