NEXT MEETING: Thurs, April 10, 7:00pm at Barlow Community Center. Award-winning Hudson Author Joyce Dyer, brings new perspective to life of John Brown.
HHA Marker Program for Historic Structures

The mission of Hudson Heritage Association (HHA) is to preserve and enhance the historic character of the buildings, streetscape and architecture of the Western Reserve community of Hudson. One of the ways the organization works to achieve this mission is to promote and support accurate research pertaining to Hudson’s historic architecture.
HHA invites you to uncover the hidden stories of your home by investigating its past, how it was built, and who lived there. This process of discovery is fascinating and rewarding; therefore, we encourage you to conduct your own research. However, if you prefer to hire an accredited researcher, please contact the HHA Survey and Research Committee regarding availability and referrals.
I. Standards and Criteria for HHA Markers:
The final decision as to whether a structure has retained enough historical and architectural integrity to qualify for an HHA marker is inevitably somewhat subjective, as no historical structure has survived without some changes. The final decision will be made by the Research Committee of the HHA and approved by the Board. Whether or not a structure has “significant” historical value is based on many factors. Those factors considered to be positive or qualifying characteristics are found under this link:
The research, verification, historic house reports, and the marker are not without costs. Costs vary based on who conducts research and creates the report. The following options are available:
Option 1 – If the property owner does his/her own research, or independently hires a researcher, the HHA standard format must be followed. The HHA Survey and Research Committee will evaluate the work based on quality and consistency of documentation.
• Application Fee = $150. The fee covers expenses for a site visit, architectural survey report, and photography by the approved HHA professional. This fee is due with the application.
• Research Verification = $100. This is due when the report is submitted.
• HHA Marker and 3 printed reports=$150. This amount is due when the report is submitted. One report will be filed in the Hudson library archives, one will be retained the HHA archives, and one will be delivered to the homeowner, along with the marker.
• Total cost for Option I = $400
Option 2 – If HHA conducts all research, generates the complete report and awards an HHA Marker, the total cost will be $1000. This cost includes all fees listed above plus tax and deed research. HHA will conduct the research or pay a qualified researcher at the rate of $20/hr.
• Historic Markers are awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Hudson Heritage Association. The naming of the home (which will appear on the marker) is at the complete discretion of HHA
• All markers remain the property of the Hudson Heritage Association and may be removed at any time, should the Board of Directors determine the structure no longer qualifies.
• HHA does not guarantee a time frame for completing reports or conducting initial research. The amount of time required depends on the complexity of the research, the nature of the property and the availability of HHA volunteers to either conduct the work or supervise its completion.
Under this link, there is an explanation of what a report must contain (tax information, Deed information, an inspection, biographical information etc.) as well as a recommended format for the report.
This link will provide information helpful for researching Deeds, Tax Records, developing an Analysis or Summary, as well as other helpful hints.
The journey in discovering more about your home is an exciting one and full of surprises. You will develop a greater appreciation of the history of your home. At first, the task may seem overwhelming. Under this link, we suggest where you start and what to do at each step of this journey.
To begin the process, contact the Research Committee or a Hudson Heritage Association Representative via email at
Application Form, Examples of Tax records and Blank Tax Forms.
Ownership And Deed Record Example
Find a Property to Aid Your Research
You can view a collection of properties that bear the HHA marker by accessing the information available through this site. Simply conduct your search using the “Find a Property” feature.
Heritage Home Program
HHA also is a co-sponsor, along with the city of Hudson, of the Heritage Home Program, which provides resources and technical support to owners of properties 50 years old or older. To learn more about the HHP, click here.